
I hope this is the right forum - if not, please advise.

I am trying to create a simple website to get donations to send people to help out those that are still suffering from Hurricane Katrina. The document we are using is attached. I am particularly interested in the box with the pics. We would like to use the whole thing the way it is even if it has to be pieced together. There will be a paypal button at the bottom, and I would like to know where I can find a meter or something that shows how much has been raised.

Unfortunately, only one of the hearts and the house will copy. I can not find the same in the clip art collection. Plus when I copy/paste the whole page it takes each side (the left and the right) and lays them out one on top of the other with each side taking the whole page instead of being set to the left or to the right.

1. Is there a way to get the text/picture box onto the webpage?
2. Is there a way to get the text too?

I am using FrontPage 2003

oh yeah, can u talk to me like i'm stupid

Why not just make it available as a download?

Its going to a list serv. Alot of people wont want to download the file. I wanted them to be abe to just go to the site and click on the paypal button. If I have it as a download, I wouldnt have any content to put on the site. Because we are asking for money, we wanted to make it as simple as possible, and not risk losing any of the people that might hesitate to download from a website or from an email.

Thats all. So, is it that hard - to do what I'm trying to do?

It's not hard to do, but you need to create the document as an HTML page. Web browsers can't display Word Documents.
This is actually a pretty simple page, and I suspect one of your acquaintances knows enough HTML to create this page for you.

The images are Word Art, which is part of Microsoft Word.

First, make sure you have copyright permission to use the document.

Use Ctrl-PrintScreen to take a screenshot. Then use MS paint to paste it into a blank document. Cut out the parts you want, and save them as .jpg images by pasting them into blank images.

You can also use the "Save as Web Page" option in the Word file menu. But it produces a huge messy web file.

The images are Word Art, which is part of Microsoft Word.

First, make sure you have copyright permission to use the document.

Use Ctrl-PrintScreen to take a screenshot. Then use MS paint to paste it into a blank document. Cut out the parts you want, and save them as .jpg images by pasting them into blank images.

You can also use the "Save as Web Page" option in the Word file menu. But it produces a huge messy web file.

I tried the "save as..." option, and it was all screwed up. Overlapping images, etc.

You need to work out the legality, but here is the picture. It was a bunch of images ordered within the Word doc.

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

You must edit the images using photoshop or relevant graphical softwares and try to align all with the tables in word and save it as a web using Save as Web Page


You've probably got the problem sorted by now, but if not I'd be happy to build you a simple website using HTML. I'm in my second year of a computing course and need the practice! You can email me at <EMAIL SNIPPED>


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