Dear fellow WDF,
It is my pleasure to write you.I want to learn web designer online and i dont know where to look for the resources to do so.Please help out.In this time of reccession,i think someone has to acquire demanding skill.I believe nothing is too difficult to know/learn.with very hard work ,the sky will be my starting point.
I hope to reading from very soon.

Learn HTML and CSS, then start learning Photoshop.
By the way: if you have no creativity..i suggest you leave the web design and start learning programming...

By the way: if you have no creativity..i suggest you leave the web design and start learning programming...

I don't know about that... I'm of the opinion that it's possible to learn to be creative. If you'd asked me several months ago, I would have said I'm probably the least creative person I know. But I think I'm slowly starting to see what grabs the eye and gets people interested. I think by looking at other people's work and researching what is visually appealing, then practicing techniques to recreate them, anyone can learn to make their own unique work. Besides, programmers need to be creative too, if not necessarily in a visually impressive way :)

search in google u will get many links

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