I've got a 101px x 101px div with a background image and words of text. I've attempted to make the whole div a hyperlink but it only made just the text a hyperlink.
if you check my website http://www.stackway.com/stack.php , when you click the word then the correct hyperlink comes up in the pop up div. If you click anywhere that isn't the word, the wrong hyperlink comes. please help!!
.rollb a {
display: block;
width: 101px;
height: 101px;
background: url("http://www.stackway.com/stacktopic.jpg");
echo (!empty($search)) ?"":"<td valign=\"middle\"><div class='rollb' align='center' ><a style='text-decoration: none' onmouseover='ChgText($number);ChgTo($number4); ' href='javascript:ShowContent(\"layer1\")' id='point' onclick='ShowContent(\"layer1\");'>
<br />
<font size='1px' face='Arial' color='#FFFFFF'><b>$newname2</b></font><br /><font color='#E9A014' size='1px' face='Arial'>$num_rows <br />Reply</font>