Hi guys,
Brand new here - and I'm praying to god someone can help me out. My blood pressure is probably triple what it should be.
First off let me apologize to the admins as I know this dead horse has been beat to death a thousand times on these forums - I have faithfully follow probably half the solutions to no avail.
Second - on to the problem!
I am currently working on a template for a fairly propular CMS; so far I love the template - until about 3 in the afternoon yesterday. The entire site is laid out in divs; but due to how the CMS implements it's various components it adds in tables.
So the problem area is actually a div with a table inside it and a table inside that table and of course the last table not spanning vertically 100% in IE (works perfect in firefox). One of these tables could potentially be removed - however the issue is then the three little boxes that are supposed to show content would not show up. I have tried building those out of divs unfortunately the divs would go all wonky and instead of having three perfectly square boxes with content I ended up having one rectangle; 2 squares (and of course regardless of the browser divs didn't want to span to 100% height inside the one mandatory table).
So to maybe recap and make life alittle easier; table A is inside table B which is inside a div. Table A will not span to 100% height in IE only firefox. Table A could be converted to divs except when I tried my damnest to do it it was an epic phail. Table B on the other hand MUST BE a table as that is automatically called by the CMS.
PLEASE, please, please with a cherry on top have a perfect solution for this problem.