hi guys,

I'm designing a website - www.pchristou.com - to showcase some of my work but am having an issue when using an image as the background.

For some reason, when scrolling in Firefox its not smooth (in particular, when clicking the anchor links at the top) however, other browsers scroll fine such as Chrome and IE8.

Any ideas why this may be happening?

Thanks in advance,


show the code with which you place the background
is the background a tiny repeat-x, or a large image
otherwise shooting in the dark

You might have to optimize your background image for web use. If it is too large in bites then it will work slow. But as almostbob said your code and tell us what size your background image is. Then you might get a more qualified answer to your question.

I think it may have just been an issue with Firefox.

It seems fine now, I ensured that the background image was small in bytes.

Thanks for the replies guys.

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