hello, I am creating a table with a form inside of it.
the code I used is as so:

<form action="formprocess.php"><table>.....</form>

for some reason between the form tag and the table tag, even though nothing is there, it is reading it as a &lt; and putting a less than sign there. does anybody know how to fix this?

1) that snippet looks like a form with a table inside it
2) there's no closing table tag or any details between

If you're posting a code snippet please post all of the snippet so people can see the actual details as what you've posted above not only is improper html but makes no sense whatsoever :twisted:

Not a shot, just need more info than a partial snippet of malformed code :)

Just an observation: if there is an extra bracket hiding in table code it will show up above the table. - check the rest of your table code. I'm betting there's a


hiding in there somewhere.

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