any one can solve my doubt...

is it possible to insert one html file to antoher html file...????

if possible how to do it..???

please give any example.....?????

thanks.. in advance....


If this is a php page you could use:

<?php include('file.html'); ?>

If this help??


Or you could use a Server Side Include (SSI)

<!--#include virtual="file.html" -->

OR you could use frames, and if you don't care if it isn't strictly compliant to standards, you can use iframes.


Thanks for that also now i don't need php for such a simple include..


Using SSI does mean you have you make sure your hosting service allows it.

thanks for that mate!

<?php echo "THANKS!!"; ?>

What about frames/iframes? W3schools frames. You would have to mess around with the CSS, though, so the PHP sounds pretty good.

Or you could use a Server Side Include (SSI)

<!--#include virtual="file.html" -->

OR you could use frames, and if you don't care if it isn't strictly compliant to standards, you can use iframes.

thanks for all replays

it help very much to me

once agin thanks................

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