I have an account in Blogger.com and maintain a blog there. I need to display flash on the blog(They are not videos, but small applications like photo gallery etc.) Such applications depend on data from various folders to run properly such as images, thumbnails, javascript files etc. Hence, I primarily have two problems:

1) I cannot keep the same folder structure if I upload those files online, as I can only upload individual files.

2) Even if I somehow do it, I will need to change the paths everywhere in the code to point towards the new path, which can be quite frustrating if you just want to test the different applications available online.

I also need to know which file hosting service I should use to effectively run those files. Please help me. Thanks.


If blogger.com allows you to ad the <object> tag to your post, you are able to display flash files (.swf) on your blog.

True. But that will only allow me to link to the main swf file. What about the other data like images and .js files on which the swf depends upon? They too are needed for the flash file to run. I tried just loading the swf file using <object>, but got the expected "Movie not loaded" error.

OK, I am not near an expert on flash, but what I know, is that a .swf file already contains all the images and things to make it run,(it is already part of the file if exported correctly) and usually, you only need to run the .swf file to display the "movie"

A test you can do on your computer, is to right click the .swf file, and choose your browser to run it. If you see the "movie" then the <object> tag in your blogsite will also display it, if it is correctly linked to the uploaded .swf file.

Ah, ok, I see what you mean. What you want to display, is not the .swf file, but the carousel_fixed_layout.html or the carousel_fluid_layout.html

I suggest, you chuck all those files and folders into one folder, and upload that folder to a free hosting service with ftp, and then use the <iframe> to display the carousel.html of your choice from above on your blog post, by linking the .html file in the <iframe>

If blogger.com allows you to upload files and create new folders, you wont need a free webhosting service with ftp, but simply make then a new folder in blogger.com, and upload the files all in there, maintaining the file and folder structure inside this folder, and point the iframe to it.

Hope this helps, let us know.

Sorry for the delay. I tried it but the server that hosted my files is acting funny now. FileZilla FTP is having problems connecting to it. I am currently searching for a good hosting site. Will post my reply here as soon as I try it out. Thanks for your help.

When your problem resolve then please tell me. I am also facing same problem.

Yes, of course. I am kinda lost right now. Also busy with my University exams. Will reply as soon as I get the issue resolved.

Let me make sure that I'm understanding what you're wanting. You have a flash object of some form that needs individual file paths from your blog to run, but you don't want to have to change the file paths every time you add new images or whatever?

Regards, Arkinder

Hello Arkinder. Please refer to the link that I have posted in this thread. That is the flash folder(after unzipping) that I need to upload online as it is, so that it can be displayed on my blog. As Kraai rightly said, I need to upload all the files using ftp somewhere, and point the .html file (from that folder) using <iframe> tag in the blog. But somehow I am not able to do it. The file just refuses to load even after doing everything as instructed. Hope I am clear.

The flash player is embeded with JavaScript, along with all its relative files. I'm sorry but it's really a waste of time to even try.

Regards, Arkinder

Member Avatar for bben95

ok first sign up with a good webhosting provider.
Two excellent free ones are 000webhost.com and byethost.org (i think its .org , it might be something else)

then set up your ftp program with the details they provide
make sure your ftp program is set to automatically choose between binary and ASCII for uploading the files.
Make a folder on the hosting and upload all the things you need in to it.
Open the site and try to load it before you embed it.

Tell me how it goes on. If you manage to load it from the website, you will be able to embed it.

ok first sign up with a good webhosting provider.
Two excellent free ones are 000webhost.com and byethost.org (i think its .org , it might be something else)

then set up your ftp program with the details they provide
make sure your ftp program is set to automatically choose between binary and ASCII for uploading the files.
Make a folder on the hosting and upload all the things you need in to it.
Open the site and try to load it before you embed it.

Tell me how it goes on. If you manage to load it from the website, you will be able to embed it.

If you view the attached files you will see that this will not work.

Regards, Arkinder

Member Avatar for bben95

If you view the attached files you will see that this will not work.

Regards, Arkinder

I can't see any attatched files

Look at this post.

Regards, Arkinder

Sorry for the delay. I tried, but the server that hosted my files now acting funny. FileZilla FTP has problems connecting to it. I am currently looking for a good hosting site. A post my answer here as soon as I try. Thanks for your help.

Are you struggeling with free hosts? I think best will be is to get paid shared hosting, as I do not believe free-hosts gives you much freedom.

I don't think hosting is a problem. Pulling up all the hosted files together is a problem. I suppose I will have to stick with Flash animations that require just a single .swf file to run. No .js, no folders of images. Just as you had mentioned in the beginning of the thread

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