We are struggling with an intermittent rendering issue, mostly in Chrome, although some have seen it on PC wit IE.

The left side text (I've attached an image)renders outside the page, caused by a background image loading problem.

This is built on a framework called Builder so their are several style sheets.

Any insight as to how to fix this is greatly appreciated.

Thank you

I am unable to reproduce the problem using the latest version of Chrome and IE8.

I am unable to reproduce the problem using the latest version of Chrome and IE8.

Nevermind, I see that it only happens for me when I try to refresh the browser using chrome. When I do this part of the image in the background is not showing. I can't get the same in IE.

I think it has something to do with the way Chrome handles loading background images. It also is probably a combination of poorly written code. No offense intended but these are the type of problems you see when one uses an editor to build the site. Sometimes they don't always get it right and jumble the code up trying to accomplish what the user is trying to do visually.

No offense taken. However we've done over 100 Wordpress sites without such problems.
This validated with 1 css error and 5 minor html errors, which is a relatively small compared to 95% of the sites we see.
It is indeeed related to how chrome handles background images. There is a great deal of discussion around the web. However no answers were found. Our hope was to find an expert in Chrome issues.
Still, if you see any garbled code, pointing it out would make it actionable. Do you see anything specifically actionable.

No offense taken. However we've done over 100 Wordpress sites without such problems.
This validated with 1 css error and 5 minor html errors, which is a relatively small compared to 95% of the sites we see.
It is indeeed related to how chrome handles background images. There is a great deal of discussion around the web. However no answers were found. Our hope was to find an expert in Chrome issues.
Still, if you see any garbled code, pointing it out would make it actionable. Do you see anything specifically actionable.

Hi again, I don't run into many issues with Chrome or Firefox but rather IE :( of course.

I downloaded the site and started to play around with it a bit. I was able to reproduce the problem locally on my machine here and so I started changing the CSS a little like using background-image, background-repeat, and background-position to see if that would have any affect but it did not.

Then I put html before body and tried to reproduce the problem again. Out of the 50 or so refreshes I did on the page I only say it one time and that may have just been caching since it was at the beginning of the refreshing I was doing.

I believe that this has to do with the way Chrome goes through the DOM and maybe specifying html before body was enough to help with the problem since html comes before body of course.

Here is the change I made:

	background:#5A4226 url(images/main_back.jpg)top center no-repeat;
	font: 13px "verdana";

You may want to take that for a spin and see if the problem still exists as much if at all after that.

Awesome thanks. I found some discussions that had fixes in which the developer move the background properties from the body element to the html element as Chome fix. Perhaps this is what you're hitting on. Apparently this is a Chrome bug.
We'll try what you suggest and work from there.
We greatly appreciate you efforts-thanks for taking the time to work on this!

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