
I'm trying to write an html page that ends up being a text file to be opened in notepad. What content type do I use so that when you click on the link the output gets put into a text file and the user is prompted to open/save?

Do you have a sample?


The MIME-type should be text/plain. However, you should also give your file the .txt file extension, because IE ignores MIME-types, using instead the OS' file associations.

The MIME-type should be text/plain. However, you should also give your file the .txt file extension, because IE ignores MIME-types, using instead the OS' file associations.

Can you give me a sample of how to set it? Basically the page is simply displaying the words (and then the text):

Content-Type: text/plain

but the browser is not acting on it and serving it up for me to download..

What server-side language are you using to create the file? Here's a PHP example:

header("Content-type: text/plain");

You can provide a meta-tag, however, it may not work in all browsers. The proper way is to set the MIME-type in the HTTP headers (which is what PHP is doing, above), rather than in the HTML document itself. The meta-tag:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/plain">

That would go in the "head" section of your HTML.

perl (but only because that's what the pages written by somebody else are written in...)

print "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n\n";

Put this before any page content.

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