can you please tell me some books and sites for reference...i want to learn HTML and web designing..from basics to higher that i could design website

can you please tell me some books and sites for reference...i want to learn HTML and web designing..from basics to higher that i could design website

Try This

If you want a handy site to learn and use what you're learning to see the results in action. w3schools

Good luck.

there's nothing like getting you hands dirty to be perfectly honest. I've been designing my own sites for 10 years and don't have any education in web design. If you do need any reference books, look for something on HTML and something on CSS. Leave the javascript and PHP until you're conversant in those 2 standards.

Try to search on google for learn fast html and css after that you can learn a little about xhtml.
I think that xhtml has some good practices to keep the code clean
Good luck.

I think that the w3schools tutorials are very helpful for learning web designing because these provide the very good information regards the different topic of the web designing language.I hope this tutorial site is very helpful for you.

There are people who love w3schools and people who hate them.

My own recommendation - Go to the local library (if you can) or a good used bookstore and pick up a copy whichever 'beginning website design' book that fits your learning style. Then get some space to work and bookmark to check your work.

If you get stuck, use Google to find clarification and remember to bookmark those sites - you'll be looking at the good ones over and over.


If you wish to learn from basic to higher level, than is the best option that you can select. has many specialist web design books.
Ian Lloyds' is one of their top recommendations for beginners.

I think w3schools are very helpful for learning the web designing.

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