I have a SSRS report that has a hyperlink to another website. The link to the site works fine when I access the report directly. However, I am displaying the report in an iFrame. When I click on the link within the iFrame, nothing is happening. I can copy my link, paste it into another window and I am able to see the link work.
Here is my link:
=iif(Fields!budgetid.Value>1,"javascript:void(window.open('"+"http://test/forms/Su....aspx?BudgetId=" & Fields!budgetid.Value & "'))","")
code for my iFrame:
<iframe name='myIframe' id='myIframe' src='http://reports/Repor...t=my_htmlviewer' height='650' width='100%' scrolling='auto' frameborder='0' ></iframe>
I've gone over the javascript syntax and I know that this is working for me. It just feel that maybe the iFrame is somehow "blocking" the link from working? I have seen the Sandbox attribute that was added, however that looks like it is only supported in IE10 and up, and we are below that. Thoughts? Thanks for the help.