[Hey Guys
Im having mega issues uploading my files from dreamweaver to my host... leesonwedding.com. Im not sure whats up but it is not putting the dependant files. If anyone has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.

bassettbrandi2@hotmail.com]:!: :lol:

[Hey Guys
Im having mega issues uploading my files from dreamweaver to my host... leesonwedding.com. Im not sure whats up but it is not putting the dependant files. If anyone has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.

bassettbrandi2@hotmail.com]:!: :lol:

sorry I didn't get it what you mean by dependant files?

Do yu have the FTP set to upload only changed files or the whole site?

whole site
it was because I was on wireless network. I guess you cant do that.

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