I'm not sure if this is an intelligent choice or not, so decided to ask the most knowledgable group that I know...

I have a website that I created, and I need to do some SEO work on it.. (not my forte)

What I was thinking about doing was creating a Key Word Table in the database.
In this database would be all relative keywords to my website in general, one per record.

The structure of my site is such that it is virtually impossible to use specific keywords on each different page, so I wondered about using a random selection of key words each time a page loads...

The way my site works is that I do several includes at the beginning and end of each page script.
First is a site configuration, which basically connects to the database and gets all the site specific information from the DB.
Then a page header script that does utility work based on which page is loaded, as well as the <head> <title> <Meta tags> and JS scripts.
Then the page top display that begins with closing the head tag and opens the body tag

Then after the includes is the actual body of that particular page and any logic involved to make it work

finally the include of the page bottom that basically just cleans stuff up and closes anything left open, like the body tag and the html tag, etc...

OK that was a long explanation for a short question...

Since my site is basically a structured template, and the meta tags are part of a file that is included on every page in one form or another, I see that I have 2 choices (maybe 3 with a lot more scripting)...
1) Use the same keywords on every page that loads
2) Randomly select the keywords to be displayed on each page

From an SEO standpoint, which would be preferable, or would anyone have alternative suggestions to solve this issue?

thanks in advance

Where do you intend to "display" the keywords? meta or visible on the actual pages?

Either way your includes sound like they could be used for this purpose

The way my site works is that I do several includes at the beginning and end of each page script.
First is a site configuration, which basically connects to the database and gets all the site specific information from the DB.
Then a page header script that does utility work based on which page is loaded, as well as the <head> <title> <Meta tags> and JS scripts.

I realize they can be used for that purpose paulkd, that wasn't the question.

My Question was:
1) Use the same keywords on every page that loads
2) Randomly select the keywords to be displayed on each page

From an SEO standpoint, which would be preferable, or would anyone have alternative suggestions to solve this issue?

I don't believe it even matters anymore if we are taking about meta keywords. But to answer your question, I'd do neither. Neither of your options seem to be appropriate.

If you are storing information about each page in a database table, you could always add an addition table column to store keywords. It's not uncommon to store the keywords in a database table. As a matter of fact, that's exactly what I do on my primary site, but I have predefined keywords that I use for each category of pages, not each unique page.

I personally would go with option 1.
I don't proclaim to know much about SEO but from what I've read about seeding pages with keywords just for the sake of moving up (Google) rankings is not recommended.
Good content (apparently) trumps seeding.

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