Hi guys - I looked and didn't see this anywhere on here so I figured I would go ahead and ask.

I had created a website for a client with a shopping cart. It was an HTML site. I am revamping her site and doing it in Flash this time.

I had a shopping cart set up for her with the following code under the "Purchase" buttons for each product:

<form action=http://ww9.aitsafe.com/cf/add.cfm method=post>
<input type=hidden name=userid value=B019933>
<input type=hidden name=pcode value=YNpk-rq>
<input type=submit value="Purchase">

Does anyone know how I should go about making this work under a graphic that I converted into a button in Flash MX?

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer :)

Carrie A. Cantwell

Are you having issues with your flash button? If so, let me know so I can move this to the Flash forum where you can get the proper help.

Are you having issues with your flash button? If so, let me know so I can move this to the Flash forum where you can get the proper help.

I actuallly haven't tried it yet in Flash - I'm not sure how to go about it. Can I just treat my button in Flash like a regular HTML button and place this code under it? I think I need to have some sort of actionscript that's specific to Flash in order to make this work don't I?

Thanks for getting back to me :)


By the way sorry if I posted this in the wrong place - I couldn't find the Flash section. If you could point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated! thanks :)


Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

to do that make dynamic text for input with whatever instance name,

a = "http://ww9.aitsafe.com/cf/add.cfm?userid="+userid.text+.....;
getURL(a, "post");

hope you get a drift

We have done a lot of flash ecommerce and quite successfully. It appears you want to submit or send some information to a CFM page, therefore in flash you must make all the variables into a loadVars object and then use the send() function to send it to that page.

alternatively, you can use sendAndLoad() if you want to receive results back from that CFM page and post live results, such as successful or unsuccessful, etc.

best of luck...

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