Well my question is, I have a website run with apache and I was wondering, if I have many webpages and wanted to put them in diffferent directories ( for ease of use) with a index.html how would I be able to call the css in another directory to the index of a different directory? I mean lets say I have a directory ( we'll call this directory 1) which contains my css directory and I different webpage directories.here is an example:

parent directory

css directory
blah directory with index html
blah directory with index html
blah directory with index html
Thanks Dave

You can call the css like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css_directory/style.css" />

Each time you put " ../ " in there, it goes up to that folders parent directory. Once you get to the directory that is parent to the one your css is in, then you can go from there into the css. Hope this helps.


thanks appreciate it

if your CSS files are ALWAYS in the folder that maps to http://yourdomain.tld/css_directory/, you can use an absolute link as follows:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css_directory/style.css" />

This is useful if your linking files are in folders nested to levels deeper than 1 from the document root.. note, it can make 'moving things around' easier or more difficult, depending on what you're trying to do..

absolute links can certainly make it more difficult to preview pages that you're working on offline, unless you go REALLY absolute:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://yourdomain.tld/css_directory/style.css" />

or run Apache offline, or always work at root or in some kind of dynamically rooted environment, or use a site-aware url rewriting preview tool; like that in Dreamweaver...

Thanks matt appreciate it I eventually used the "../" for my pages to import their css less typing and it was no hassle. If my page and csss are seperated by 3 parent groups I just use"../../../css_directoy/css.css

Of course, that becomes a headache if your URL changes for some reason, You have to edit every file and change it (just like I had to when my new ISP used "index.htm" instead of "home.htm" for the opening page - a lot of work when you have 300 pages).

I had to change my url 3 times.

1. My old ISP integrated several urls into a master url. They told us we would never have to change it again.

2. The master url created in change #1 contained the computer name "php" (for "personal home pages"). PHP later trademarked that name, and so my old ISP had to change the url again. I converted all of my code to relative addressing at this time.

3. I changed to a new ISP with a cheaper rate. But since they used the different entry page name, I had to change the homepage link in every page.

Should I switch my html to asp so I wouldn't have that problem?

Of course, that becomes a headache if your URL changes for some reason, You have to edit every file and change it (just like I had to when my new ISP used "index.htm" instead of "home.htm" for the opening page - a lot of work when you have 300 pages).

I found a program on the net that might help if that ever happens again. It's called Simple Search/replace. you can find it if you google the name. I've been using ti and it seems like a great time saver. It's by RJL software online. Try it out if you'd like

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