Hi all,
Is there any site for checking statistics of my site url. Please let me know if you know that type of site. Thanks!

I recently got a site called www.dwarfurl.com it’s allows for checking clicks of the site. You can check your link popularity any time. Hope this will help you. All the best!

Hi all,
Is there any site for checking statistics of my site url. Please let me know if you know that type of site. Thanks!

If you want to know what other sites link to you, you could just do a link search on the Google or MSN search pages. For example, on the Google search page just enter the following:


(where www.sitetocheck.com is actually the URL of the page whose popularity you want to check).

If you want more detailed statistics about your site (i.e. - number of visitors, originating sites, keywords used to find your site, etc), I recommend using a proper analytics program.

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