hi guys ...i have just started to learning about the multimedia and graphics in web designing... ...........i am new here ....i want to know something.....is there any site dedicated to the learning about the graphics and multimedia.??

I'll take it you a noob.... Always try google before posting. Shows some ambition on your part.
A simple search string of "cs3 tutorials and lessons" yelded 516,000 results. First hit, seemed to be adequate http://www.khulsey.com/student.html
Try it next time, you'll be amazed

his just trying to learn by himself, yah there are lots of tutorials that are available where you can possibly learn and i think if you are dedicated to learn and become an expert to that field you should focus on it. But still you should know the basic before going any further phase to complete the process of learning how to design and etc..

good luck

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