I have a dead laptop. When I press the power button, I hear the fans, DVD/CD, and the harddrive working. The only lights working are the power and the mouse indicators. At one time the screen would come on showing the Compaq logo. It did not do that this last time that I tried. Any thoughts or suggestions?????? Please

remove the battery, connect the power cord, and turn on, if that work you might have to get the battery fully charge, some laptop have a built in power protection, meaning if the battery is not charge you might not get any power to the unit.

I tried that and it still did not work. My fear is that it is a motherboard problem. The last time that I used it, I did not shut down. I just closed the screen. It has not worked since. Thanks for your reply.

remove the battery, unplug the power supply, leave off for a few hours, then reconnect the battery and the power suply, make the to charge the battery. before turning on.

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