My computer randomly shuts down, its like someone unplugged, but my monitor, speakers, printer, external hard drive right next to the computer remain on when the computer shuts down...and it doesnt go through the normal shut down process, it just switches off...than when i turn it back on it says the computer shut down unexpected...
It sometimes does that when its idle, and sometimes when i make movies or compile movies or when i change the format of a movie...but other time no one is on it and i come in the room to find it off and get the same message when i start it up...
I have 2 computers in the same room, one runs windows vista home premium and the other runs windows xp media center edition 2005...Right now i just want to get windows vista straight...
I built both computers by hand myself and picked out all the parts, so im going to take a guess that i either didnt hook on a wire correctly or its not plugged in all the way in...
Im running windows vista home premium, AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ 2.00GHz, 2GB DDR2 memory (RAM), its a 32 bit operating system, and i have a Gigabyte motherboard, with a 600W power supply build SLI ready, i have an NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT graphics card...
Is there any other information you need? Any suggestions? do i got to rewire my motherboard and the power to the motherboard?
Thanks A lot for your help...