I moved to another place recently and in the process I moved my PC as well. The monitor may have been turned up side down or side wards in shifting process.

I hooked up the computer at the new place and as soon as I turned on the PC.. There was a quick bright display on the screen and then it turned off and the turned on again and showed all the booting sequence. The screen was black as it should be but the fonts which are supposed to be WHITE are RED. After loading Windows XP, everything looks reddish. Other functionalities are perfect but the normal color never comes back.

PLease suggests me if you know about this problem. The school has started and I am having hard time working on my computer..

Will be very thankful....

i have never heard of that before.. if you have already exhausted the option that it is something that can be corrected through adjustment of the monitor settings, i'm sorry to say it looks like you might need to have a technician look at it...

make sure there isn't a bent pin on the monitor cable where it connects to the video card or try removeing and Reseating the vido card unless you have unboard video of course .

If you are brave enough, you can open up the monitor and try reseating the PC board that is on the neck of the CRT (Be careful) Sometimes corrosion can build up on the pins of the CRT and you will get funny colours on the display. Reseating the PCB will 'wipe' the contacts a wee bit, restore contact and hopefully the proper colours will return.

i have a similar problem except everything has a greenish tint. it shows more w/ blacks and greys. im not brave enough to open up my moniter though

hey thats deadly advice monitors can contain a powerful shock in theyre compacitators use plastic screwdrivers

If you don't have a child's toybox ;) then use a normal screwdriver but wrap the top of the blade (closets to the handle) in Electritian's Tape.

make sure there isn't a bent pin on the monitor cable where it connects to the video card or try removeing and Reseating the vido card unless you have unboard video of course .

This should be the first option.

Don't tear the monitor apart unless you know what's going on behind there.

get a new monitor?(not trying to be mean) or call the company monitor settings?iam not the best at this stuff

If you don't have a child's toybox ;) then use a normal screwdriver but wrap the top of the blade (closets to the handle) in Electritian's Tape.

Your a real genius
For all the newbies like yourself were talking about Insulated Electricians screwdrivers black tape is what dead idiots use. You should get a patent for that Electritian taped screwdriver.

Learn how to spell for god sakes
Link for the illiterate

For all the newbies like yourself, we're talking about Insulated Electrician's screwdrivers. Black tape is what dead idiots use. You should get a patent for that Electritian taped screwdriver.

I put all the corrections in red. :rolleyes:

It's called a typing error, or alternatively maybe not bothered.

Give it a rest.

If you are brave enough, you can open up the monitor and try reseating the PC board that is on the neck of the CRT (Be careful) Sometimes corrosion can build up on the pins of the CRT and you will get funny colours on the display. Reseating the PCB will 'wipe' the contacts a wee bit, restore contact and hopefully the proper colours will return.

Usually you would reseat the PCB by moving it back and forth / up and down whilst it is seated on the CRT. For this, wear rubber gloves. I would not try to reseat using a screwdriver.
For those who are not brave: wear the gloves and give it a whirl. If it works, then GREAT! You have saved the cost of a new monitor or a trip to the repair shop. If not, then nothing lost.

I would not try to reseat using a screwdriver

who said use a screwdriver
to reseat the PC board

If you are brave enough, you can open up the monitor

thats what you need the screwdriver for.
using insulated tools is always better to avoid despensing static charges and deadly charges which could result in damage to sensitve equipment or death

Remeber Play It Safe Around Electricity


Your a real genius
For all the newbies like yourself were talking about Insulated Electricians screwdrivers black tape is what dead idiots use. You should get a patent for that Electritian taped screwdriver.

Learn how to spell for god sakes
Link for the illiterate

Nevermind, I get it. Doh!

In any case, I don't think anyone should fiddle with the inside of a monitor unless they know exactly what's going on. Too much risk involved.

I just had this same problem. My pc and monitor is on a movable stand. I moved it a bit to do some cleaning and when I opened my pc back up from being at rest I too had a red screen. After reading this thread I was a bit worried. I checked all the connections and when I pushed in my monitor connection to the pc the screen became white again. It was just a loose connection. Try pushing the cable in a bit more and screwing the connects in tighter. Just a small heads up for the next person.

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