I would just like to get some knowledge from people who know more about this subject before I spend 450 bucks. At first I just needed and graphics card but then realized I need a lot better power supply. Now is there requirements that I should be aware of. I plan on buying this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817703009
Now this says its 7.4 x 5.9 x 3.4
That 7.4 is length, right? Because if it means that my computer needs to be 8 inches wide then we got a problem. I'm hoping theres no requirements for me to run this.
I also plan on buying Radeon hd 4870 I'm pretty sure that will be fine but if I wanted to do crossfire in the future would I be able to do this with the power supply? If theres anything here than you can answer or something I didnt know about this then please do post.
misc. info
board=Acer F690GVM