I am pretty sure the answer for this is here... however I am not sure if it directly applies to my situation and I just want to confirm what my problem may be...

I reformatted my laptop reinstalled Win XP... and the laptop was left alone for a few weeks... Now when I go back to power it up it powers up and I can hear the fan working... however it doesn't seem like the cpu is working or starting up.

I tried to leave it on for sometime, thinking it needs to warm up or something like a car however no luck...

Mind you this has happened in the past... but usually it would start after some tries... however now it doesn't seem to be doing anything...

Any ideas? ... thanks.

Best bet here is defective power adapter and/or batt.

See if it will boot from the winXP install cd, to make sure its not a driver locking up...


First thing is check for faulty contacts on the power button.

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