I have a HP Pavilion a1510n with a 200GB hard drive and 1024MB of memory and added a 500GB hard drive and have a question. where are songs stored and how many MB equal GB?

Technically 1024mb = 1gb but disk manufacturers say it = 1000mb so they can say thier drives are bigger. Thats why your "500gb" drive may show up as less

songs are stored in different places depending on your setup.

I have a HP Pavilion a1510n with a 200GB hard drive and 1024MB of memory and added a 500GB hard drive and have a question. where are songs stored and how many MB equal GB?

are the songs stored on the memory or the hard drive or both?

They're on the hard drive. The RAM's just there for your 'puta to put stuff temporarily that's is working on at the moment. RAM gets cleared when you power off.

RAM= Random access memory

I suppose in thepry you could rip cds to a ramdisk, e.g if you were runnig a livecd...

but no, they are saved to the hard drive.

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