I have a computer with the following specs:
AMD 3800+
2 Gigs RAM
Gigabyte MB
SATA HD Maxtor 300 gig SATA 2
here is my problem, I believe it was a power surge but for some reason when I turn my power on to the computer it trips the internal breaker to the Power supply. I have done the dionostics and have come to the conclusion it is my hard drive. I got a new Hard drive IDE and it works great just slower then my SATA. But everytime I plug in the SATA one the breaker blows apon pushing the power on. There is a lot of stuff on this Hard drive that I would love to recover. Is there a way to test the Sata HD for this power problem? and also is there a way to retrieve the information from it without powering it, Cause it seems that when i plug it in that is when it happens.
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Thank You