Hello all,

I have a problem with my external harddisk. It is a 320GB SATA Seagate Harddisk. I have used it for a year or less. Now it cannot be detected by my computer anymore. The harddisk itself is on but it makes a little 'electrical' sound inside.

Is there any way to solve this problem? Or any way to recover the data? There are some files I want to save but since it can't be detected, i can't save it to another place.

Thank you.

Hi there, I have had a similar problem with Freeagent 320GB External drive. It will work with other computers but when I connect it to the computer with which I first used it it freezes microsoft explorer. If I attach it before the PC is switched on the PC will not boot - blinking cursor top left of screen . I have looked an many sites to find a solution and the best so far has been to plug the drive in via USB (power already on) whilst the PC is booting - I usually do this during the Windows opening display and when I hear the laser printer start up. That way the drive connects and functions fine. It's as if the PC wants to boot from it. I'd rather not have to do this so does anyone have a solution. The PC is a DELL Dimension 8400 running XP Pro.

In addition, I dropped the harddisk once. Then, the harddisk is not functioning anymore. The last thing I would like to do is to recover the data before I sent it for replacement.

Is there any one who has a technique to recover the data from a damaged harddisk?

Thank you.

Hello all,

I have a problem with my external harddisk. It is a 80GB SATA Seagate Harddisk. I have used it for a year or less. Now it cannot be detected by my computer anymore.

Is there any way to solve this problem? Or any way to recover the data? There are some files I want to save but since it can't be detected, i can't save it to another place.

Thank you

1. open up the case and take out the hd, plug it in "internally" see if it works
2. if it works go buy yourself a new external case and put the working hd in it (that means your case/cable was the problem)
3. if the hd is damaged... i don't think anyone is able to teach you how to fix it here

hope it helps..

Sorry to hear the bad news. From the way you describe it the most likely cause is a dead hard disk controller. Since, even within a given model of hard drive, the controllers may vary depending on what was available at the time of build, you are most likely screwed.
The data on your disc can be recovered using surface scanning technology such as SEM, but that is expensive, perhaps $1000 to $2,000. For police or forensics work it may be worth it, for the average individual not so.
Your best be is to replace the hard drive, get hard drive imaging software and then back up the hard drive to an external drive with some degree of regularity. That is becoming a requirement as malware and hardware failures are starting to proliferate.

Do not throw away your old hard drive. It contains data that can be used to hurt you. Keep it in a safe place, or take the hard drive apart, remove the patter and grind off the surface or drill lots of holes in it etc.

good luck;

Computer cannot detect my external harddisk

my hard disk is SATA 320GB,,there is some file,the file in its important to me,and now my hard disk cannot detect by any computer,how to solve it?beside that,the hard disk also make 'electrical sound'.

How can i solve this problem?or safe data in hard disk?

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