When i turn on my pc, the power light blinks and pc fan turns. but the monitor remain black, i hve reconnect each connection but it does not work. when i pressed the "caps lock" or "num lock" button 4m keyboard the light does not shows up.

It seems that my pc is not booting up. I hve checked the hard disk from another computer but it is functioning normally.

What is wrong with my PC??? Pls can anybody help me???

Have you tried another monitor or tested to see if the current one works?

Do you have a graphics card aswell as onboard graphics? If you have both try removing the graphics card and see if it works.

My monitor is working normally. I think there is no problem with the graphics card either as my keyboard is not responding also.

How many sticks of ram do you have? If you have more than one try swapping them about and try one at a time.

I have tried my motherboard with power supply of another cpu casing. But that did not work either.

I came to know that my problem may occur due to psu problem. So i tried this. I m worrying if the problem is with my motherboard......

I have 3 sticks of ram of 1.5 GB

Did you try swapping the sticks of ram?

thanks buddy, my pc has started with one stick of ram........ but it shows "A drive error" message and "F1 to resume" when i press F1 then the windows started....

so, what the problem do u think with my pc?? is this problem with my ram??

when I swapped the sticks and it responded very abnormally. at first it gives unusual beeps then shows in the monitor "A drive error" "press F1 to resume" I pressed F1 but the monitor went black. Then I removed all the sticks but one. Now it is working.

BUT when i used two sticks of ram it didn't work...........Two of my ram sticks are PC2 4300(256MB each) and one is PC2 5300(1GB)
is it a problem?? if not how can i speed up my pc??

thanx for ur continuous reply....

Could be that your cmos has been cleared, possibly a flat battery that would explain reversion back to boot from floppy "a" drive, check your clock! Right time?

go into the bios and remove or disable the floppy drive from the boot order.

Which stick is it working with? does it go with any of them or just one particular one?

We'll need a bit more info about your machine at this point as well.

Can you list the specs?

processor: intel pentium 4 - 3.00GHz
motherboard: msi 915G Neo 2
ram: 256MB+256MB+1GB(each TwinMOS)
HDD: 120GB
DVD drive asus
NO floppy drive

if anything missing, pls notify, after checking each stick of ram i will notify you.

thanks for support

My pc is working with any stick of the ram in any slot of ram in motherboard.

Thanks A1 data nz the "A drive error" has been removed.

hi there..just came in and joined don't know where to ask? unplugged the pc to move it and when i went to plug it back on it does not work, the green power light is flashing with a clicking sound and can't turn it on. if you would know why? I tried different power cords, same thing...different power soket, same... Thanks

hi there..just came in and joined don't know where to ask? unplugged the pc to move it and when i went to plug it back on it does not work, the green power light is flashing with a clicking sound and can't turn it on. if you would know why? I tried different power cords, same thing...different power soket, same... Thanks

Can you post a seperate thread? You'll get more help that way and it'll remove the confusion so we can get blackcloudbd's machine sorted first!

Go here:http://www.daniweb.com/forums/forum122.html

It's the yellow button: start new thread

My pc is working with any stick of the ram in any slot of ram in motherboard.

Thanks A1 data nz the "A drive error" has been removed.

Ok It's a little unusual that they will all work individually but not together!

Try both the 256's together, does that work?

In order to run two different speeds of ram in your machine, your mother board must be able to 'interleave'. Some boards require that this setting by enabled in the bios! most do it automatic and some dont support it at all.

Maybe that due to the clearing of the cmos, you might need to enable interleaving?

Check it out.

Yeah I did, Im sorry, and thanks for the link..

Ok I've had little look at your mobo.

Firstly you need to make sure that the right ram is in the right slots.

e.g: one color= 400
other color=533

the ram will work singly in either channel, but as soon as you mix it up they will need to be in the correct slots for dual channel interleave.

You need to ensure that the dram timing by spd is set to enabled in the bios as well.

Give that a go

guys I don't know how & why???? but pc is now working properly!!!! After "A1 data nz" told me to check with two 256MB, I tried that and it worked normally. Then I used all of my three sticks and the PC is now running smoothly....... in fact i m posting 4m my pc now. BUT i didn't change settings in BIOS or in any other place!!!

But i m worrying if it is a temporary recovery. Can u pls tell me what happened to my pc??? will i have to face this problem further??

I have put two 256MB ram in the slot of same color and the 1GB ram in other. Pls Give suggestion though my pc is working.

some Memory modules are design too run together. If you would have mentioned earlier about the colour differences you problem would have been solved earlier but never mind...

Too run together the modules must be of the same type(size & speed). Mother boards usually have different coloured slots for memory if they are to run together.

guys I don't know how & why???? but pc is now working properly!!!! After "A1 data nz" told me to check with two 256MB, I tried that and it worked normally. Then I used all of my three sticks and the PC is now running smoothly....... in fact i m posting 4m my pc now. BUT i didn't change settings in BIOS or in any other place!!!

But i m worrying if it is a temporary recovery. Can u pls tell me what happened to my pc??? will i have to face this problem further??

I have put two 256MB ram in the slot of same color and the 1GB ram in other. Pls Give suggestion though my pc is working.

Yes this will do it and you should be on your way to happy computing! Dont worry about the bios settings becasue obviously the default is working just fine.

When using two different speeds of ram on a computer with different colored ram slots then it is important to ensure that your using the right slots!

Please mark your thread as solved for people who may want to reference it in the future! Well Done!

thanx everyone for your help

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