Hi all, I just upgraded a 5 year old HP Pavilion from 2-256 MB ram to a generic 2-512MB ram and had to reverse them in order to install alreadt a bad sign.
I statrted the PC the first time and nothing happen, I statrted it again and it did not go to windows XP, but instead asked me how I wanted to start my PC. Normally, last known config, safe mode, safe mode with networking and another safe mode option, I chose all but nothing happen it kept showing up the same screen, F1 for set up or F10 for system recovery.
Any hints on this problem or am I doomed with wrong memory upgrade? I thought the PC would automatically recgonize the hardware, but I think I got swindled unless someone has some suggestions on getting pass the how do you want to start your PC screen. Thanx everyone.