I have a older Dell Latitude that won't recognize the hard drive. When I run diagnostics, I get the following:
Start DST Short Test
Test Results: Fail
Error Code: 1000-0141
Message: No Drive Detected

You may need to reset the bios, as far as I know this should be fine on a dell. This should change the settings back to default and should recognise the hard drive as it did from factory.

If this fails you may need to persuade a friend to lend you their laptop to test the hard drive on their laptop.

I don't see how resetting the BIOS would help, but it would be a good idea to look in the BIOS to see if the drive is recognized.
If it's not listed, it may have failed. Can you hear any sounds from the drive?

thanks for replying but i'm so ignorate in this would you tell me how to reset the BIOS even though i can't log in to windows all what i can get is when i go to F2 or F12 which even does not give me a lot of option (no boot order option) so pleaseeee tell m e how to reset the chip


i don't think the hard drive is recognized at all, however the same harddrive is working in other computer ,and i can't hear any thing for the hard drive

I think F2 is the BIOS (Setup) option. Take a look there first for the drive.
If the drive works in another machine and not yours, you have a serious hardware problem. Make sure the HD is properly connected.

my hard drive is perfectly connected is there any way i can get help i don't wanna pay new HD there is an error i need it to be fixed i need help
the error code is 1000-0141

Some one else had the same problem as you but they solved it by connecting the drive properly. However the other option was to get a new battery. You can read the post Here.

- Have you no other hard drives to try?

my hard drive is perfectly connected is there any way i can get help i don't wanna pay new HD there is an error i need it to be fixed i need help
the error code is 1000-0141

Have you looked in the BIOS?

Try accessing the BIOS and finding out exactly what your CMOS is posting.

I think clearing the CMOS might make a significant difference. Basicly take the top (where the keyboard is) off your laptop, then you should see a little three quarter inch battery (sometimes encased in a yellow plastic) that is usually attached to a wire.

Detach (do not brake) the wire from the battery, leave this fro around 2 minutes. After this put it back in then put the case back together. Start it up and see if the BIOS recognises the Hard Drive.

For system specific info, logon to support.dell.com and click "Drivers and Downloads". On the next screen, enter your system's Service Tag number. Once done, click on "Manual" and then check the part about reseating the hard drive. If the HDD is not detected after the reseat, I'd say there's an issue with the hard drive; not the motherboard.

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