I have a gateway M1625 and about a month ago it started acting funny. Anytime I turn it on, the LED lights up and I can see the CD ROM light on but nothing appears on the screen. Someone suggested the CMOS battery be changed but that didn't solve it. any help?

Okay, if you have checked out all the different function keys to make sure they are set as they should be, we might look at screen itself (see first image) - does anything look/feel wrong about how it opens, closes ?
Have you opened it up? to add/change memory? Removed the keyboard?

Have you been here?

open up your case, reset the RAM and Graphics Card by taking it out for about 10 mins and put it back in. Also try turning on your system with just the RAM, CPU, Graphics card in. Disconnect all other components like mouse, keyboard, HDD, etc...

If it doesn't boot up than the problem lies in your motherboard/cpu/graphics card/RAM.

Try testing the components separately with someone a friends system...

you can do further differential on your system by trying to boot your system without the RAM also....if it boots than it should be RAM problem....

Also try turning on your system with just the RAM, CPU, Graphics card in. Disconnect all other components like mouse, keyboard, HDD, etc...


yea as jbennet said its a laptop and the processor is an AMD Celereon. I dunno but I keep hearing that AMD's ain't as robust as Pentium

tried all that but it still don't work. wait jux a minute. sometimes, it boots then shuts off again.

i am sorry i didn't realize it was a laptop....But still you can test the RAM and HDD by taking it out and testing with another laptop...

Also when it boots...before shutting down does it give any error message and how far does it boot...like all the way into your operating system...

yea as jbennet said its a laptop and the processor is an AMD Celereon. I dunno but I keep hearing that AMD's ain't as robust as Pentium

just for the record , Celeron is made by Intel not AMD , I have 2 AMD laptop ,one new, one 4.5 yrs old no problems

He's probably thinking of a Turion :).

sorry the processor is an AMD Turion 64 X2.
I get some error messages: checksum error and processor mismatch

sorry the processor is an AMD Turion 64 X2.
I get some error messages: checksum error and processor mismatch

go into bios/setup on bootup and set defaults ,save and exit ,see what happens

What happen if my laptop refused to come up. I was told that the motherboard of my laptop is bad. Can that be true? Please help me. The model of my laptop is HP pavillion tx1000

What happen if my laptop refused to come up. I was told that the motherboard of my laptop is bad. Can that be true? Please help me. The model of my laptop is HP pavillion tx1000

Please don't piggyback on someone else's problem - start your own thread.

agp not work help me

Start your own thread and we will consider it.

agp not work

i want dad solisoin

Which part of "start your own thread" did you not understand?

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