I airfreight a flat screen hp monitor. On reaching the destination, the monitor came on but the display was unsteady and at times switch off and on intermittently.

Please how do fix this error.



Is it new, under warranty? If so, have the manufacturer/vendor fix it. If not, and you're handy, you could try taking it apart to see if you can find the problem.

There could be a bad solder joint in the power on/off switch or on some sort of filter or capacitor that's supposed to maintain a steady, constant voltage to the unit. The graphics board and power board are usually separate in monitors and are connected by ribbon cable, so one of those could have come out. The first, and most obvious, thing to try would be to make sure that all of your cables are securely plugged into both the PC and the monitor and that none are rattling around loose with intermittent connectivity. You could also try a different wall outlet.

Barring that, take it to a computer repair shop and have them fix it (?)

Thanks for your response. Does this solution applies to flat monitors as well? Or is a general solution to all monitors?

Is it new, under warranty? If so, have the manufacturer/vendor fix it. If not, and you're handy, you could try taking it apart to see if you can find the problem.

There could be a bad solder joint in the power on/off switch or on some sort of filter or capacitor that's supposed to maintain a steady, constant voltage to the unit. The graphics board and power board are usually separate in monitors and are connected by ribbon cable, so one of those could have come out. The first, and most obvious, thing to try would be to make sure that all of your cables are securely plugged into both the PC and the monitor and that none are rattling around loose with intermittent connectivity. You could also try a different wall outlet.

Barring that, take it to a computer repair shop and have them fix it (?)

I posted that with flat screen LCD monitors in mind.

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