I designed my webpage in PS and sliced, optimized and saved it as images and html. I imported it into dreamweaver CS4, aligned it in the center and so far it displayed correctly. Then I added a new div tag to create a new CSS style sheet where I changed the background color to match the new site's, and added some padding along the top.
I can see all the changes I made in design view, but when I select Live View or preview in browser, none of the CSS styles have been implemented. I have tried to find an answer to this, but cannot. PLEASE help!
The CSS code I added was:
@charset "ISO-8859-1";
#site_layout {
background-color: #d5dbd3;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
padding-top: 35px;
And the Source Code is as follows:
<title>sliced & optimized</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link href="/site_layout.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
<!-- Save for Web Slices (sliced & optimized.tif) -->
<div id="site_layout">
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<td colspan="25">
<img src="images/top_background.gif" width="800" height="21" alt="background above banner"></td>
<td colspan="25">
<img src="images/banner.jpg" width="800" height="113" alt="Peony Banner"></td>
<td colspan="25">
<img src="images/bottom_background.gif" width="800" height="16" alt="background below banner"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3">
<img src="images/background_leftofhome.gif" width="9" height="80" alt="background to the left of the home button"></td>
<td colspan="4">
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<td rowspan="3">
<img src="images/background_btw_homeabout.gif" width="15" height="80" alt="background btw home and about me button"></td>
<td colspan="3">
<img src="images/about_button.gif" width="100" height="38" alt="About Me Button"></td>
<td rowspan="3">
<img src="images/background_btw_aboutshop.gif" width="14" height="80" alt="background btw about me and shop buttons"></td>
<td colspan="5">
<img src="images/shop_button.gif" width="100" height="38" alt="Shop Button"></td>
<td rowspan="2">
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<td rowspan="2">
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<img src="images/contact_button.gif" width="100" height="38" alt="Contact Button"></td>
<td rowspan="2">
<img src="images/background_btw_contactfaq.gif" width="15" height="58" alt="background btw contact and faq buttons"></td>
<img src="images/faq_button.gif" width="100" height="38" alt="FAQ Button"></td>
<td rowspan="2">
<img src="images/background_btw_faqpress.gif" width="9" height="58" alt="background btw faq and press buttons"></td>
<img src="images/press_button.gif" width="100" height="38" alt="Press Button"></td>
<td rowspan="13">
<img src="images/background_right.gif" width="17" height="450" alt="background column all the way to the right"></td>
<td colspan="4" rowspan="2">
<img src="images/background_home.gif" width="100" height="42" alt="background under home"></td>
<td colspan="3" rowspan="2">
<img src="images/background_about.gif" width="100" height="42" alt="background under about me"></td>
<td colspan="5">
<img src="images/background_shop.gif" width="100" height="20" alt="background under shop"></td>
<img src="images/background_blog.gif" width="100" height="20" alt="background under blog"></td>
<img src="images/background_contact.gif" width="100" height="20" alt="background under contact"></td>
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<img src="images/background_press.gif" width="100" height="20" alt="background under press"></td>
<td colspan="4">
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<td colspan="9" rowspan="8">
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<td rowspan="10">
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<td colspan="13">
<img src="images/logo.gif" width="269" height="146" alt="Kelly Ash Photography Logo"></td>
<td rowspan="8">
<img src="images/background_rightoflogo.gif" width="6" height="340" alt="background to the right of logo before feature boxes"></td>
<td colspan="13">
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<td colspan="3" rowspan="3">
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<td colspan="6">
<img src="images/hortphotog_text.gif" width="150" height="43" alt="text for horticulturist and photographer"></td>
<td colspan="4" rowspan="3">
<img src="images/background_righthortphotog.gif" width="53" height="105" alt="background to the right of hort & photog"></td>
<td colspan="6">
<img src="images/background_under_hortphotog.gif" width="150" height="49" alt="background under hort & photographer"></td>
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<td colspan="4">
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<td colspan="2" rowspan="5">
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<td colspan="2">
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<td colspan="10">
<img src="images/area.gif" width="200" height="19" alt="Greater Portland Area Maine"></td>
<td rowspan="2">
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<td colspan="9">
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<td colspan="9">
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<td colspan="5" rowspan="2">
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<td colspan="15">
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<td colspan="15">
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<!-- End Save for Web Slices -->
Any an all help will be very appreciated!
Thank you!