Recently I dropped my Sony Viao Laptop. Before I dropped it the laptop worked fine. When I picked the laptop up, the LCD screen was all messed up. you could see the full windows page, but it was smaller than it was originally. the right 1/3 side of the laptop screen is now black and on the bottom of the screen, it mirrors the top so you get a double image, ex. when i put my mouse on the screen i see it in 2 places. however it is only a partial image, its like the screen keeps repeating itself. Also there is a Grey line that goes horizontally across the laptop, even through the black areas. NOTE WHERE THIS LINE IS, IS WHERE THE SCREEN REPEATS ITSELF! I checked the connections for the LCD and they were fine, also the LCD itself is bright in the back, i dont see any black spots. Any clue to the problem? I was just going to replace the LCD but I am not sure if that is the only problem. for reference, the LCD is a SAMSUNG 15" XGA LAPTOP LCD DISPLAY LT150X3-124.
Additionally when I boot the computer up, the screen is mssed up as well. When I connect an external monitor to the VGA port, the monitor comes up fine. I wasnt sure whether it was the inverter, or the LCD or something else. but the display is only bad on the LCD, not external monitors. Does this help at all?? Has anyone ever seen this?