I have a laptop that has a fault with the display. It is a acer aspire 7720g and I am not sure as to the problem. It works fine with an external monitor, have tried both LCD and CTR monitors and it works fine so I am assuming the video card is okay. On the display side of things the screen lights up white with vertical multicolored lines and some patches where the background has blackened areas of squares to big to be individual pixals from this I have thought that the backlight is okay as the screen is white so I am wondering if the problem is the inverter or if the lcd is defunct. If anyone has had a similar experience that was solved or some idea of what the problem is it would be appreciated. Cheers molineboy

The inverter powers the backlights, so this is a LCD issue, or cabling. I would re-seat the cables and check for wear and/or breakage especially near the hinges.

Good Luck

Hi techsheaven
thanks for the reply i figured that the inverter was maybe not the prob and have checked the wiring so it is more than likely as you say the lcd screen
thanks again for your input

hi techsheaven
that link is great
Thank you so much, you are a legend
as soon as I have the machine fixed i will mark the thread no worries
cheers molineboy

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