Hey fellow geniuses
I've got 2 RAM sticks
--> 512 mb @ 400MHz
--> 512 mb @ 333MHz
Here's the problem. When I install the RAM sticks individually one at a time, the computer starts up fine. But, when I install both of them, the BIOS gives me three long beeps(the code for bad RAM). If sometimes the RAMs do work together, the comp restarts just as the XP login screen appears. What do you think is the problem?
I kinda suspect the 333MHz RAM stick coz when I gave it to my friend to test, his comp kept rebooting.
I have also verified the 400MHz stick is fine coz when I used the comp with just that stick, it never rebooted
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if I install RAM sticks of different clock speeds, won't the system operate at the speed of the slower RAM stick?(in my case it should operate at 333MHz, and it does). What I want to know is can two RAMs of diff speeds conflict and cause the comp to reboot?
Earlier, I had 3 RAM sticks -- the 512mb/333MHz one, a 256 mb/266MHz and a 128 mb/133 MHz stick. This combo worked fine (altho with a speed of 133MHz) and the comp never rebooted.
Please do let me know what the problem could be. For further info, do let me know.
My system specs are as under:
AMD Athlon XP 2000+
MSI 6712 mobo (http://www.msicomputer.com/product/p_spec.asp?model=KT4VL&class=mb)
NnVidia GeForce 4 MX 440 SE w/64mb DDR
80 gig seagate IDE
Thanks a lot in advance