Here goes.....

My uncles machine stopped booting, it kept resetting the system and I couldn't get it out of this somewhat permanent funk so I decided to make it a slave on my PC and back up his stuff onto DVD. My uncles hard drive is a MAxtor 20gB running XP on a NTFS partition.

Now I'm running XP on an NTFS partition that boots off a Western Digital 40GB and I configured the maxtor as slave according to their website.

Now here's where it goes a bit pear shaped... The Maxtor slave is recognised by DOS on my system but it's not visible when Windows has loaded up. I tried accessing Administrative Tools in the control panel and accessed Disk Management but the Maxtor simply isn't there!!

I'm running both drives on a RAID array whereas the maxtor was not on a RAID when in my uncles system.


I don't know where I'm going wrong. I can see the maxtor in DOS and when the RAID check loads up on system startup but Windows doesn't see it. Even though it's in the control panel, windows just doesn't see it.

Am I doing something wrong?!! Please help if you can


Sukhjinder Sall

Which Windows? NT or SUE? If your using DOS, Single User Edition 95, or before
Im guessing you mean NT.

You are not using DOS. You are using a DOS style command interrupter on Windows XP. If you don't believe me type:


And see what it tells you. DOS has been gone since Win95 and was never a partof the NT line.

I know this is nitpicky but, computers are of an exact nature, therefore it is important to use exact language when discussing them. This way everyone knows what everyone else is talking about.

In the end it is better for everyone.

Are you saying that you set only the slave jumper,according to the manufacture site and not the master aswell,go check and see if the master HDD's jumper is off the neutral position.


The jumper settings for both drives are set correctly. Double checked them. I just don't get it. When I said DOS, I meant the startup sequence XP goes through before the logo appears with the blue bar underneath it. I just don't get why Windows displays the drive on the control panel but not in the disk management window. I went over the jumper settings and tried various combinations but no luck.

Ok, mate, this is how to correctly hook them up. Your HDD's jumper gets set to (MASTER)Dual, uncle bobs gets set to (SLAVE)Dual. Then one hooks them together using the piggyback method with the IDE cable. Is that how you have it set?

\The Maxtor slave is recognised by DOS on my system but it's not visible when Windows has loaded up. I tried accessing Administrative Tools in the control panel and accessed Disk Management but the Maxtor simply isn't there!

You might also try this: Data Recovery Software Tools. It's a useful site for information, as well.

I just had a very similar problem. You will need to install drivers for your RAID card. I had the problem where DOS and PartitionMagic could see my SATA hdd (connected to a Promise Raid Controller) but Windows couldn't ... problem was drivers ;) I betcha that's your problem as well!

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