Hello, I hope someone can help.

I am planning to upgrade my PC, I currently have:
P4 2.4 GHz
GeForce 4600 Ti

I plan to get 1 gig of faster RAM (I can only go up to 333Mhz)

I need help in choosing a new graphics card, my AGP slot is only x4. I was thinking of getting a GeForce 6600GT 128MB. I know my CPU will bottleneck it, maybe I would get them same overall result with a cheaper card?

I appreciate any help give.

You can still use PC3200 (DDR400) RAM in your system - it will just run at a slower speed.

A 6600GT would be a nice match for that system, but you may want to consider a more comprehensive upgrade depending on what kinds of games you intend to play.

If I just get a: Novatech ATI Radeon 9600XT 256MB DDR AGP for £60, will I see a large increase over the 4600 Ti?

I am thinking of just getting a small upgrade now and wait for a bit.

I only have a 230W PSU, would a 9600XT need more?

It's not enough of an increase to justify splashing out. In standard Directx 8 games with no fancy driver detail increases, both cards are around the same. The 9600XT shines a little brighter in Directx 9 graphics (which the GF4 cannot do) and when using anti-aliasing or anisotropic-filtering (i.e. better looking eye candy), but it's not something I'd buy when you've already got a GF4. Save a little more, buy a new PSU (unless it's something really good - brand?) and get a 6600GT at least.

thanks for the advice, I will get a new PSU. I am now thinking of getting an ATI x700 pro. Would the x700 pro be a better buy? I don't think I will get the most out of a 6600GT.

thanks for the advice, I will get a new PSU. I am now thinking of getting an ATI x700 pro. Would the x700 pro be a better buy? I don't think I will get the most out of a 6600GT.

Similar performance, and I would recommend the 6600GT over the X700!

I would seriously consider saving for a more comprehensive upgrade.

If you do buy a PSU, watch out for what you buy. ATX2.0 PSUs have 24 pin motherboard connectors, so you'll need an adaptor.

I have been looking around, I have narrowed my choice down to a Geforce 6800 LE and a 6600 GT. The LE is a bit cheaper (£70 versus £90). As I only have a small LCD monitor, I will only be using 1024x768 resolutions and I read that the 6800 is a great card for the value at these resolutions.

I am trying to find a cheapish psu, I need around 20 amps at 12 volts right? Anything available for £30 or less?

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