The devastation is horrifying to see, all the videos, pictures... awful. On a tech note, I wonder what kind of effect this will have to pricing and availability of products from our friends in the East. Memory, LCD panels, Blu-ray, Sony, Sharp and others affected already, see here:

up to 10000 dead ,i never thought of the affects of cost on computer junk,never once enter my mind,

jeez buddy, you make me sound so insensitive. of course my thoughts and prayers are first with the people of Japan. I was just sharing other thoughts and concerns that are flying around the industry and web.

jeez buddy, you make me sound so insensitive.

didn't meant to ,sorry ,it was just a comment ,had i meant it directly at you i would have quoted our post

no worries ;)

Let us just Pray that the people of Japan recover what they are right now.....

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