Last night I was online, on a forum and was writing a reply to someone... Well As I clicked their icon to reply....
1. My keyboard locked up. ( I figured nothing big, its viewsonic and it does it every once in a while)
2. During this time my mouse still works and I still have video..
3. So I close all the internet pages restart my pc...
4. During start up I notice my monitor went into power save mode. ( no video coming in.)
5. Then I'm like WTF.... I notice the PC isn't going through the boot process. because its sitting trying to start up the CD drive.
6. So now the CD drive lights flash, the PC power light is on then flashes, and the reset light flashes...
7. NO video, no nothing.....
oh yeah
I'm running Microsoft XP, board is AMD 64 3500+
I just added a new 300GB harddrive on Friday but its been working fine till last night, haven't added any new software...
And if it is the board, do I have to reload Xp and everything that was on my harddrive... if I use the same model board and cpu