I am looking for a reasonably priced computer for sale (to build). I built one last year but pretty much returned everything in the end / tiger shipped half my items doa, short story short, I switched to newegg.
I have been watching the new am3+ with amd's 8-core cpu but I am not sure what I want myself and need advice. Their new APUs look cool with the on-board video but does it actually preform just as well as the card would? And when I order a video card in the future will it automatically do crossfire with it and my cpu / does it regulate me to only certain video cards (I read it does better with its brother series and such but wasn't sure).
I am looking for a build that is future proof (for at least 3ish years) as I do not want to completely buy a WHOLE computer again but maybe upgrade the graphics, or memory, mobo, etc at a time when needed.