Hi all,
Currently, I'm looking for an upgrade for my graphic card.
A card that is below $100 and have better perfermance than my *NVIDIA Geforce4 MX 420* and can handle the game graphics such as world of warcraft.
My computer model is Dell Dimension 4550 with 1GM ram and 2 CD/DVD drives.
As I said above, please give me some suggestion.
I m planning to buy the card from Fry's Electronic store near my living area.
but please help me choose a card from http://www.newegg.com/
I really appreciate all your help
Also, I found this card but I'm not sure if it is a lot better than my current one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814131007
*As I said, my current graphic card is NVIDIA Geforce4 MX 420
Please give me some replys, thank you thank you