Hi All,
I work for a college and I use their systems, which I have access to a whole host of software that for Data protection reasons that cant be installed on any other computer. The issue is, I dont like using them as I dont feel very productive as I havent got my own software. For example on the college systems we cant have dropbox or google drive installed on them and for me to use them I have to download the docuemnts from the broswer, edit then reupload. This creates a lot of confusion and wastes a lot of time.
To get around this I am looking at bringining my own computer into the college and making it independant of the college network. I will use their wifi for internet access so I can use online services, but this is where I get stuck....
I have dual monitors at my desk and both a USB mouse and keyboard. I thought have getting a KVM switch, but for one that supports two monitors I am looking at over £100, not to mention that I will need buy another computer for this to work with.
Is this my only solution to solve this problem?
Any help would be great, Thanks.