Hello guys,
I need to find out what is my drive's serial number under win XP.
I know that there are one serial number from manufacturer (real hard drive) and serial numbers generated by windows.
I know that if disk is partitioned into more partitions that each partition will have unique serial number called Volume serial number.
That number can be obtained by typing dir into cmd prompt.
Is there any other way to find out real serial number without need to open case.


Its really not that difficult to open the case you know - all you need is two hands and a screwdriver!:-|

Hehhe, not if that is sealed with special connection that will broke and warranty void...

Hehhe, not if that is sealed with special connection that will broke and warranty void...

Why do you need the serial number?

For XP, navigate: start>control panel>system, select the 'hardware' tab>device manager, expand 'disk drives' then right click on the hdd in question. select properties then click the 'details' tab. from the drop down box select 'hardware ids' and bingo.....info should include brand name manufacturer,interface type,model no,serial etc, all you should need!!

If you need certain numbers from the physical drive itself, i would advise that who ever is seeking this information should contact the manufacturer for details... as your hands are bound by the evil chains of warranty! lol

how can i determine hard drive serial number?

Your HD manufacturer will provide software for this, or you can simply open the case, as suggested.

On Windows XP, the Device Manager does not show the Hard Drive Serial Number. It only shows the Model Number.

The reason someone would want to know the serial number is for example if you are about to transfer or clone data from one drive to another.

You then reboot your machine and wish to confirm the data. If there are differences, using a tool such as BeyondCompare, you need to know which drive is which. You may have drives E:\ and drive F:\ , but you don't know which actual devices these are.

Therefore, the serial number is the best way to establish which drive is which without having to shut down and open the case, and even then you may not know which one is E or F (especially with serial drives, SATA). For my system, I keep a sheet of paper with all my hard drive serial numbers on it, and the drives are numbered with yellow electricians tape.

simply open properties of hard disk drive in device manager

for XP or Server 2003 (the two I tried)
Open a command prompt
type "label"
the hard drive volume label and serial number will be listed

If you need certain numbers from the physical drive itself, i would advise that who ever is seeking this information should contact the manufacturer for details... as your hands are bound by the evil chains of warranty! lol

not exactly in that case, some manufacuturer info can be got in the boot-up info, or with some sepcial hard drive repair tools and data reovery tools.

GetDiskSerial.DLL is a standard Windows DLL that does not depend on the "support" libraries. You can use it to read the serial number of hard disk easily. As we all know, this serial number is unique in the world. So this DLL is of great use, for example, you can use this serial number to create an machine id or encrypt number.

The GetDiskSerial.DLL has already succeeded to get the Serial Number in Delphi, C++Builder, C#, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Visual Basic.NET, PowerBuilder, Visual Foxpro and Clarion.


It seems to me that you were looking for codes to protect your program so that it can only be run in a specific hard disk.

Try this:
First find the HD Serial Number in the HD casing, e.g.: 123456789
It is supposed to be the first HD in your computer/primary master.

Then write the program:

xWMI = getobject("winmgmts:")
xDisks = xWMI.InstancesOf("Win32_PhysicalMedia")
for each xDisk in xDisks
HDSerialNo=xDisk.SerialNumber && The first HD in your computer

HDSerialNo=ALLTRIM(HDSerialNo) && The first HD in your computer

IF HDSerialNo='123456789'
*** Program continues and return to the calling program.
QUIT && Quitting the program because the HD doesn't match.


Just call the program from your main program. If the serial number match, it will return to your program, otherwise it will quit.

And if you want to know your HD Serial Number without opening the case, just add these codes in the program before the line: 'QUIT':
? HDSerialNo

I'd like to be able to determine information like the manufacture date and firmware version of a Toshiba hard drive that I have. Why? I'd like to find a surrogate drive to install the platter from my dead Toshiba hard drive into.

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