Hello all,

I am hoping that someone can either direct me to, or has, a service manual for a Sony Vaio PCG-GRT150 laptop that I can download. I was given one to look at to figure why it won't stay on. I have figured it out to be something on the motherboard and not a software issue. If anyone has this or can direct me to where I can download it (not manualparadise, for they have burned me before), I would be grateful.



have you tried asking sony themselves.

have you tried asking sony themselves.

Yes, I have. They said they do not give out nor do they post their manuals on the web.


I wouldn't usually condone it but there maybe an e-book that you can buy for it. maybe ebay might be able to help you out here.

Hi Janine,

I have checked with the posting from a previous person, and got the manual. It appears that Sony is one of the view companies that does not post/release its manuals except to technicians and businesses.

Thanks to all who gave advice.


I wouldn't usually condone it but there maybe an e-book that you can buy for it. maybe ebay might be able to help you out here.

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