Recently I bought a 320gig SATA hard drive from Tiger Direct. My computer, a Dell Dimension 4600 had a 40gig ATA, but anymore it just does not have enough space, and I'm having problems with it... So I figured it was time to upgrade. Knowing that my mobo does not have SATA slots, I also bought a Serial ATA 2-Port SATA RAID PCI Controller Host Card Adapter with a power adapter and a SATA cable.
Now I have everything hooked up, and it appears to recognize my hard drive because it labels it, but here is the screen I'm seeing:
SATA primary drive 0 not found
Secondary drive 1 not found
Sil 3512 SATARaid BIOS Version 4.3.534
Copyright (C) 1997-2005 Silicon Image, Inc.
Press <Ctrl+S> or F4 to enter RAID utility
0 - ST3320620AS - 298 GB
Strike the F1 key to continue, F2 to run the setup utility
F1 does nothing. I've hit F2 and tried to boot from IDE CD-rom so I could install XP, but it NEVER boots from my XP cd...
I did hit F4, and I got into some sort of RAID menu. I formatted the hard drive, but that didn't help.
Any suggestions??