I have a dell e310 runnng win xp. I have installed an 2nd DVD drive and set it as master drive and the original dell drive as slave. I am using Sonic Software to do all my DVD/CD work. My problem is that I can do everything from drive to drive except copy DVD's. Sonic reports that it is copying/writing but nothing happens.

Tom D

If the DVDs are encrytped you won't be able to copy them from one machine to another. You will have to decrypt the file first and then burn a copy, once you have that disk you should be able to go from one machine to another.

yes, you can copy home movies and pirates but not store baught dvds. doing so might be illegal in your area

No...they are not copyrite protected DVDs. I can copy the DVD if I only use one drive. My problem happens when I try to copy from drive to drive. Then sonic software just hangs....

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