im looking to buy this video card along with my new motherboard and was wondering if it is going to be alright for some one who plays fairly needy games like Battlefield 2, Counter strike, Elder scrolls 4 and other games like Fear.

i am not looking to play any of these on high settings just low-mid settings and hopfully without depresing frame rates and system temperatures.

Looks good. Maybe you should look at the ATI cards too? I recommend the x1950

that particular card is outa my price range atm. but yeah that card is the shiz

x1600 is what i have right now. Runs BF2 well on medium/high

You = ati fan?

i prefer ATI for windows games like BF2 but for work and Linux i prefer Nvidia (more stable, better drivers)

i see, well i have decided to wait a bit longer on my motherboard upgrade and buy an SLI ready motherboard and use two 7300GTs
Can you really do double the normal antialiasing when you use SLi?

You can but not all games support it.

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