I have a customer that has had two 19 inch Jetway LCD Monitors die in six months. I have used this monitor in other locations (some have multiple monitors) with no troubles. I have observed the line voltage and it can jump from 110 to 123 volts and back 20 times in one minute. Anyone know if this could be the culprit? I am getting no support from the power company or the supplier.

You might try a UPS to help condition the power a little bit. Or perhaps a surge protection device (UPS might be favorable)

You might try a UPS to help condition the power a little bit. Or perhaps a surge protection device (UPS might be favorable)

they have a UPS, one of these cheap APC 1000 VA jobs, not a true UPS. After a week of turning of and sometimes coming back on, the Monitor is dead. The funny thing is, they work fine for a month or so before they go bad. A 17 inch CRT worked fine for a year.

So you're getting these voltage fluctuations out of a UPS? I'd say it's time to toss that thing in favor of just a regular power strip (surge protector) or a more expensive UPS. I think that much fluctuation in voltage in that short a time could definitely destroy electrical equipment

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