Please I need help. this is happening to me. I m trying to test my motherboard out of the case. The motherboard turn on, but I Realize that the bios dont boot up.
im not sure if is a video card problem because my monitor screen seem off (Orange Led)

but anyway it had to at least see the keyboard and cd rom led Blinkin (Right?)
but even that is not happen, so i thing the bios is not loading.

another thing : I dont heard any bios bip.


DFI Lanparty Ultra 2 B socket A
Mobile AMD Athlon™ XP-M (Desktop replacement cpu)
3 sick of Ram 400MhZ / (512 each)
Ati Radeon 9250 Agp 4x \8x with 128 Mb ddr memory
ATX 300Watts Power Supply

Thanks in Advance .

take out memory and put it back in and try it then; you may not be getting video because of you memory

If you have another system with an AGP slot you could go and try your graphics card in that.

!!!UPGRADE !!!!

Even when take off the ram and cpu does't beep

Your processor is interesting;

Athlon XP-M is a laptop CPU. Do you have an older socket A cpu that you can put in and try? Perhaps your mainboard doesn't recognize the CPU and therefore cannot run, even though they are both socket a

Your processor is interesting;

Athlon XP-M is a laptop CPU. Do you have an older socket A cpu that you can put in and try? Perhaps your mainboard doesn't recognize the CPU and therefore cannot run, even though they are both socket a

MMM the true is nop , i dont have any other athlon xp CPU. but any way it should be works fine with the motherboard nvidia Nforce 400 chipsets,

another thing. this is a mobile cpu but is used as desktop replacement cpu.
any way im almost petty sure is the bios , because i take out the ram and did'nt
beep, and is normal to beep if the motherboard dont Detect any ram stick right?

thanks for your help guys i apprecite it

call the manufacturer or just replace it with a new motherboard.

socket a is pretty rare these days, however.

call the manufacturer or just replace it with a new motherboard.

socket a is pretty rare these days, however.

the bad thing is i dont have the warranty any more . i just win this bid by ebay this days.

im thinking to get another atlon xp cp to test it before to returned to the seller because i know
this is a hard mainboard to finde. well people said is the best for socket A

a question if i take aot the cpu and ram should make any beep?

because mine dont beep .

not sure it will even turn on without a cpu in it.

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