
I am trying to add 3rd hard drive (500 GB) to my computer. I added IDE PCI card and installed software but, it is not detecting my 3rd hard drive. Is there any thing I have to do with jumper settings? or am I missing any procedures....?

Help would be appreciated.


have you installed the drivers in windows

have you installed the drivers in windows

You mean PCI Card drivers?

yes, the drivers for the PCI IDE card

Yes. I did installed driver for PCI IDE card. In SCSI Drivers, it's showing me the ATA/133 IDE PCI card working successfully.

But the drive is not showing.

what have you got the jumpers set to

Master drive had 7 and 8 pins (jumper set), Slave has nothing and the 3rd drive has nothing.

the 3rd drive should be set to master as it is the only one on that channel/cable.

Oh Ok. I will try this today. Thanks for help.

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